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Reconstruction_7216 (2017)

digital projection, polystyrene, cardboard tube, plywood, paint


I often dream about walking in familiar spaces from my childhood. I remember them vividly, but I do not know which memory of the place I should trust: the dream or the lived experience? In Reconstruction_7216, I attempt to recreate the places in my dreams. The Surrealists’ technique of self-analysis is a means to reorient the unconscious to the conscious. In self-reflecting on my dreams, I focus on the personal relationships in my life. Language functions as a support structure to recall and ground our thoughts. But when language fails to convey our thoughts, what do we use to communicate and capture clearly and authentically our emotions? As I go closer to examining the shared history of experiences and emotions of my relationships, I lose focus. The process of translating imagery to words, abstract to tangible, start to break the root of where they came from, and negotiate the frustrations of different experiences, lived or imagined.

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